Friday, July 15, 2011

"But, that's how you say it, Mama..."

I am blessed.  I'm blessed to have such a wonderful God & Saviour who has not left me to myself, but who disciplines me & corrects me in such creative ways.  Sometimes I am daunted by the task of raising them & training them to be God fearing, God loving adults who thrive & serve their Lord & Saviour.  The other day, I realized how much God uses them to teach me & train me. 
They are my "mirrors".  And I have 7 of them.  It's like walking through a fun house at the fair with all those funky mirrors.  I look at this one and see this about myself.  Look at that one & I see "Daddy's" daughter.
     A few days ago, we were in our school room.  We were cleaning up after Hurricane Toddler.  I was trying to be joyful, trying to sound happy.  Anya & Izabella were in there with me.  I don't remember what Izabella took, but Anya corrected her.  "Izabella, do NOT touch that!"  I looked at Anya & said in a very sweet voice, "Oh, Anya, ask her nicely, like this.  Please don't touch that, Izabella".  "But Mama, that's how you say it," said Anya in her very sweet voice.  Ughhh...  What could I say?  I knew it to be true.  
     I have really good moments, where I'm prayed up.  I'm alert.  I have a song in my heart.  I'm truly joyful.   
     Then there are those moments (or days) when I'm distracted with other things or other people.  My to-do list becomes my idol for the day. The garden getting perfectly weeded becomes more important than their hearts & souls & minds.  I'm not here and they know it.  I'm pretending and they know it. My voice is slightly tense and they feel it.  My voice is slightly louder (or not so slightly) and they can tell.  
     My prayer is that I will continue to be alert, that God will truly transform me into the kind of woman I want my daughters to be & the kind of woman I would want my sons to marry & that I will truly depend on God for the strength, courage, love & joy that I need to be the kind of woman that's husband & children rise up and call her "blessed."

Titus 2: 4-5
4That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
 5To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. 

We hope & pray that you are blessed as you seek the Lord, for His direction in your home.  If you know & believe in Jesus, then you have the Holy Spirit living in you and Philippians 4:13 promises, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  If you are at the end of your rope, please go to this web site and read and find that strength & love & joy that only Jesus can provide.

Have a blessed weekend!
In His Grip,
Laura & Daniel
(I could not write without his love, support & encouragement)

1 comment:

  1. Such a great reminder that our children are watching EVERYTHING we do and say! It's a very sobering thought. I OFTEN see my children, especially my 3 yr old daughter act just like me, and honestly, it scares me half of the time. Thank you for linking up with us! :)
