About Me

I am a blessed wife to my awesome hubby of 7 1/2 years.  We have 9 children, ages 19, 15 1/2, 13, 7,almost 6, 4 1/2 & 2 years.  We're going to meet baby boy Z in a few short weeks and our one little one that is waiting for us with Jesus!  We home school them all (yes, home school is a life style, so the baby is involved, too)!  I love teaching them about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, about not just "being a Christian", but being a Christ Follower & what the Bible says about that.  We love to learn about nutrition, gardening, nature, birds, evangelism & missionaries.  We are blessed to live in an area that abounds in nature trails, rivers, lakes & beaches.  Outdoors is our school house! 
We have so far to go on this journey. 
We learn something new every day. 
God is helping me to grow & 
bear more fruit through my amazing & imperfect family.