Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oh, The Thinks You Can Think

I have loved Dr. Suess FOREVER! I loved to read "Horton Hatches The Egg" as a child, loved to read "Fox In Socks" or better yet, pick it for Cheryl to read when I was a teenager working at a day care and love to read any Dr. Suess book to my kids today. If I get to pick the book, you can bet that at least ONE Dr Suess book will be in the mix.

I loved the imaginative illustrations when I was little. I loved to improve my speech and see how fast I could read it as I got older. Now, I love seeing the "bigger picture" behind so many of his stories. I don't know whether they are Dr. Suess's bigger picture or just what "I" see in them. Doesn't really matter to me. It's cool!

Today, I was reading "Oh, The Thinks You Can Think" again, when I actually noticed the front cover. It is a picture of these Suess birds, walking one by one, eyes closed, in a circle. Huh... Isn't that what happens if we're not paying attention? If we are just going through life, believing what everyone else is saying, doing what every one else is doing...

When we first started the process of homeschooling our Rosalie, I called every one I knew that was homeschooling to get their opinion on what curriculum was best. I remember one very wise woman that said, "Why don't you ask the one that called you?" My first thought was, "I called you." Then I got it. God called me to homeschooling. He has a plan for our family. Ask Him what we should be doing. Since that day, I've tried to do just that. Although I LOVE to talk about curricula & what is working for people, I know that God has a plan for OUR family that will be different from every other home school family out there. Every time I start to compare myself to what others' "school" looks like, I get anxious, confused and discontent.

I don't want to follow others path, walk with my eyes shut, going around in circles.

I want to think for myself, pray for myself, seek for myself what is the right way for our family to go. Then go!

Think left and think right and think low and think high.
Oh the THINKS you can think up if only you try!

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