I see our children playing with one another. I see Lukasz & Anya jumping on the trampoline that their big brother spent 4 hours on a Saturday putting together for them. They're giggling, falling, rolling... I see Kathryn & Rose helping each other do laundry & pick up the floor so that they can chat. Kathryn helping Ryan get his clothes ready so that he can go out of town again, talking all the while. Sitting with one another on the couch reading a story. Wrestling on the floor. Rocking the baby. Changing a diaper. Playing house. Fighting over toys. Building a HUGE sand castle. All this has happened this week in our home. Our children are friends. They love one another. Side note: The world says that siblings will hate one another and rival for attention. LIE!!! In an atmosphere of love, even when there are many children & Mama & Daddy can't possibly spend one on one time with them all regularly, if children are taught (by example) to love & respect one another, they will. (our kids have their sibling rivalry issues, they fight, they bicker, they touch one another and make the other scream, they take each others' toys, but they are friends...)
And I would miss the blessing of being their friend, being apart of this adventure every day if I spent my time on the phone, on the computer or going on play dates and gallivanting around town.
Now, don't get me wrong, I struggle with this, sometimes more than others. Right now, more than other times... But when I look at them and realize the choice I have to make. I cannot be my kids' friend and build strong relationships with them and do those other things... I have to make my choice. A little note here: The world has told us for far too long that we cannot be our children's friend or that as they get older they will not want to spend time with us. LIE!!! God brings families together and if we will be obedient to Him and love our children and enjoy them and smile at them and have Joy... Then they won't be able to resist being around their greatest coach, best confidante, the ones that they know have got their back.
I have friends outside these four walls, but not many. When we talk or get together, we are uplifting one another in prayer, seeking Godly wisdom and exhorting one another to fight the good fight. I have chosen these women intentionally because they are fighters, with great attitudes, who seek victory in their lives and aren't going to settle for mediocrity. They read the Bible and actually believe what it says! What God can do with women that believe Him and act on what He says!
My prayer is that I will be more like that Titus 2 woman:
Titus 2: 4-5
4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
How I want to bring glory to my God by what they see in me and my family, my children, my grandchildren... I must be busy at home, so that no one can malign God's precious Word.
In His Grip,
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