I started praying about the small changes I could make in our entertainment area. The t.v. looked like a shrine. It was cluttered. I hated it. After some prayer, a talk with D, we decided to move the t.v. cabinet (actually an old dining sideboard) into the kitchen and move an antique shelf that a friend gave us to the t.v. area. What to put the dvd's in? I searched online. Nothing. I went to Walmart. Nothing. I prayed. I had several little baskets in our linen closet that worked perfectly for our movies. The dishclothes that were in them were moved to the sideboard. Perfect. And free.
This is just the beginning of our journey to declutter & simplify. We have a big pile of stuff to be sold in a garage sale some time soon. My sewing area is in need of major attention & our shelves down in the basement need to be cleaned off & taken down. BUT, this is a journey & I am just super excited about the progress. I am excited that I am able to serve my husband in this way, even though I never really saw the clutter. It never really bothered me. But it's not about me or my preferences or feelings. It's about God & His glory. It's about obedience to God's Word. He clearly states my calling here on this earth.
5To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
It turns laundry & organizing into a heavenly task with eternal value.
In His Grip,
Daniel & Laura